CrossFit for Health and Weight Loss


When Brett first joined us I think it’s safe to say, like most people he was pretty nervous. Suffering from depression can be awful and debilitating, with depression normal comes anxaitiy so starting CrossFit was a massive step forward for Brett. Whether he knew it or not, we knew that if Brett could make a consistant commitment in his training then this would help his depression. Good nutrition and exercise is the most comonally underused perscription going, it’s been proved time and time again to be more succsesfull than drugs.


“How Crossfit Braintree has changedmy life”.
I’ve struggled with my weight and depression throughout my life and I can honestly say that finding crossfit has
given me purpose. Crossfit has given me something to focus on and look forward to when my days have been
dark. I know as soon as I walk into the box I’m going to be in a class with others that will pick me up, will me
on and help me achieve things that I never thought I would . The box is not a gym where you move from each
piece of equipment to the next, where you don’t talk to others and barely see a coach. In every class the coach is
there helping you improve. My journey started in October 2015 I was 14 stone and lost all belief in myself and
was very near the bottom. With the help from the coaches I lost 3 and a half stone and I’m considerable stronger
than I was both physically and mentally. I truly can’t ever see the day that I would want to stop training. I have
learn’t that you only get out what you put in and have been able to take this with me into my day to day life.
Don’t get me wrong it’s not easy but if you really want to make a change every single person in that room will be
there for you, helping you along your journey the same as they have for me. That’s the crossfit way” .


Years of bad movement throughout Brett’s life has left his body with real bad movement patterns but along with all the Coaches, Brett is working really hard to move better. The better Brett moves, the stronger and fitter he is gets.



When Dan turned up to one of our Free Taster session we could tell he was pretty nervous (like most people are). Dan was clearly over weight and unfit, which was not an issue as all our Coaches are experienced in dealing with all shapes, sizes, abilities and fitness levels. After the session Dan told us he needed to get fit as he was getting married the following year. In the beginning we scaled a lot of the movements for Dan but no matter what we threw at him he performed. Dan has come such a long way in a short space of time, he still has a long way to go, but we honestly couldn’t ask anymore from him on each session.

I’m 35 years old never done any exercise in my life, I was a heavy smoker until 3 years ago with a poor diet and asthma. I have never been a self motivating person and I didn’t like the thought of all those ego’s in a gym. To be honest, fitness never appealed to me.
I started Crossfit was for many reasons, it was different, varied and always coached which really ticked a lot of boxes, plus with the foundation course you get the chance to try before you sign up. This really appealed to me because if I didn’t like it I could just walk away. ( that’s the trick as they know your gonna love it).
In this short time I’ve made some great friends, learned techniques I never thought I would ever get. One of the biggest things I have got from CrossFit is that I’ve found out a lot about myself, for instance when I started I could hardly run 200 meters without feeling like I’d run a marathon, but now I choose to run 300 meters before I warm up (crazy I know). I can run 1 mile in 9 minutes 30 seconds.
In the year and a bit I’ve been at CrossFit Braintree I’ve lost over 3 stone in fat and gained at least 1 stone of muscle, my body shape changed and is still changing, I’ve lost 10 inches around my whole body, gone from a 3XL in t shirts to a large, 44″ to  38″ waist. And thanks to Crossfit Braintree I’m fitter and stronger than ever.
My next chapter is to look into cleaning up my nutrition.
My journey has only started why hasn’t yours?

To get started on your CrossFit journey click here;     Sign Up

Or to find out more about our Foundation Course, click here;     FC